If you are unable to resolve an issue directly with your seller, this guide can help you resolve the issues you may have.Before beginning a PayPal claim, please be sure to contact our support team directly so we can investigate the issue, take further action against the offending user, and provide any necessary assistance to ensure the claim is settled in your favor.Please note you have 180 days from the purchase date to file a dispute.
1. Select the transaction in your PayPal activity page or file a claim here: https://www.paypal.com/disputes/
2. Scroll to Need help? at the bottom of the transaction's detail page, and select Resolution Center.
3. Select the appropriate reason for opening the claim under “I'm opening this dispute because:”
4. Contact the seller in PayPal's Resolution Center. You should communicate with your seller through this form so that PayPal can review the conversation details. The seller will be able to view and respond to these messages directly on their end. Please provide as much information as possible to support your case. Please also be sure to check your "Spam" folder for any correspondence from PayPal to ensure it is promptly addressed. If you are unable to work out a resolution with the seller, or if the seller is unresponsive, please escalate the claim for PayPal's review as soon as possible. You can escalate to a claim within 20 calendar days from the date the dispute was opened. The Resolution Center will provide you with the date when PayPal will allow you to escalate the claim. Please note that a dispute will automatically close if it isn't escalated to a claim within 20 days. Closed disputes cannot be reopened or escalated to a claim. Please check the Resolution Center to see any messages that are part of your dispute. Claim timeframes may vary depending on the nature of the case. Please note that you should *never* close a dispute or claim if you have not received your item or your refund. If the seller agrees to a refund, they should complete the process through the PayPal claim. It is also very important to make sure that you are opening the correct type of claim, and only open an 'Unauthorized' claim if you have used the Guest Checkout to purchase a listing. PayPal will email you to let you know they received your claim and they will continue to email you with updates as well as to inform you of any action or information required from you. Important: you must respond promptly to PayPal's requests for documentation, otherwise your claim will be refused. PayPal usually decides cases in 30 days or less, but it may take longer in some cases. You can always check the status of your claim by visiting the Resolution Center.